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Portugal Active

Connect to life, again!
PortugalActive is your gate to an adventurous journey within the breathtaking natural scenery of Minho, one of Portugal’s best-kept secrets. Connect to life, again! We believe life is worth connecting to. In an over-stimulated world with people being bombarded all the time with adverts, news, work and too many info, at PortugalActive we feel that slowing down and leaving screens apart is becoming crucial for people to enjoy their lives and meaningful moments are there waiting for us to connect to. We value the connection to what really matters, our people, our planet, our lives. This way we challenge visitors to be connected, not with their smartphones and apps but, with what surrounds them, the nature, their families, their friends, the local people, the places. We do believe this helps everyone to trigger their senses, feel moments differently and create memorable stories worth sharing
We speakEnglish, Portuguese
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