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Ecuador Eco Adventure

Ecuador Eco Adventure is based in the beautiful city of Riobamba — located in the “Valley of the Volcanoes” between the active Tungarahua and extinct Chimborazo and El Altar volcanoes.

Locals call the city the Sultán de los Andes and its here where we receive backpackers in the Riobamba Guesthouse who come to ‘relax and recharge the batteries’ after trekking into Sangay National Park, making a summit attempt on Chimborazo, or venturing off-the-beaten track over the Andes mountains on Horseback.

We are listed in the Lonely Planet’s South America on a Shoestring and were also recommended by National Geographic Adventure in their “Adventure Bucketlist” for Ecuador’s famous Condor Trek between the Antisana and Cotopaxi volcanoes.

Ecuador Eco Adventure also welcomes solo travelers to join us on our Open Tours — where you will meet other adventurous backpackers while exploring the country’s many beautiful landscapes and ecosystems.  For backpackers that want to give back, we also recommend Volunteer Work in Ecuador with campesino and indigenous communities as well as conservation projects in the Andes, Amazon, and Galapagos Islands.

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